Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 09 Apr 2013 at 08:02

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

and especially because he was the son of Pompey the Great. He refitted his ships and drilled the soldiers he had brought in them, pretending at one time that he was in fear of Octavian, and at another that he was getting ready to assist Antony. As soon as Antony heard of the coming of Pompeius he designated Titius to take the field against him. He ordered the latter to take ships and soldiers from Syria and to wage war vigorously against Pompeius if he showed himself hostile, but to treat him with honour if he submitted himself to Antony. Then he gave audience to the messengers who had arrived, and address him as follows: "Pompeius has sent us to you, not because he cannot take refuge in Spain,


とりわけ、自分は Pompey the Greatの息子だったからだ。彼は船を修理し、船に乗せていた兵士の教練を行ない、ある時はOctavianを恐れているように見せかけ、別の時にはAntonyに力を貸す準備が出来ているように見せかけた。AntonyはPompeiusが近づいていることを聞くやいなや、彼に対して戦いを挑むためにTitiusを派遣した。彼はTitiusに対し、 Syriaから船と兵士を率いてPompeiusに対して力強く戦うよう命じたが、Antonyに服従するのであれば敬意をもって扱うように、と述べた。そして到着した使者の謁見を賜わると、使者はAntonyに次のように述べた。「Pompeiusが閣下の下に私達を送ったのは、スペインに避難できないからではなく、

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