Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 01 Apr 2013 at 07:51

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

capturing some and burning others.Some of the crews swam ashore,most of whom were slaughtered or taken prisoners by Pompeius' cavalry.Some of them set out to reach the camp of Cornificius,who sent only his light-armed troops to assist them as they came near, because he did not consider it prudent to move his disheartened legionaries against the enemy's infantry,who were naturally much encouraged by their victory.
Octavian spent the greater part of the night among his small boats, in doubt whether he should go back to Cornificius through the scattered remains of his fleet, or take refuge with Messala.Providence brought him to the harbour of Abala with a single armour-bearer,without friends, attendants, or slaves.


何隻かを捕え、他の何隻かを燃やした。なかには海を泳いで岸にたどり着いた水兵もいたが、大部分は殺されるかPompeiusの騎馬隊の捕虜となった。またなかにはCornificiusの宿営地にたどり着こうと試みる者もいた。Cornificiusは当然のことながら勝利で一層勢いづいた敵の歩兵を相手に落胆した軍団兵を動かすのは慎重だと考えなかったため、軽装備の師団のみを援軍として送った。Octavianは散り散りになった艦隊の残りを通じてCornificiusに戻るべきか、 Messalaに避難すべきか迷いながら自分の軍隊の小舟の間で夜の大半を過ごした。神の導きにより彼は友人も従者も奴隷も連れず、たった1人の鎧持ちを連れてAbala港に着いた。

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