Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 48 / 0 Reviews / 19 Mar 2013 at 10:27

akutaya 48

As Pompeius thought that he had come in order to be admitted to a share of the government in place of Lepidus, while the others would concede nothing but his recall from exile, they separated for the time without accomplishing anything.Nevertheless, negotiations were continued on the part of friends, who advanced various proposals from one side to the other. Pompeius demanded that, of the proscripts and the men with him, those who had participated in the murder of Gaius Caesar should be allowed a safe place of exile, and the rest restoration to their homes and citizenship, and that the property they had lost should be restored to them. Urged on by the famine and by the people to an agreement,Octavian and Antony


他の人々はは追放から呼び戻すこと意外は考えていなかったがPompeiusは彼がLepidusの場所で支配権を共有することを認めるためにやってくると考えていたため、何も成し遂げることなくばらばらになっていた。にもかかわらず、交渉は一方からもう一方へとさまざまな提案を進めた一部の友人たちと野間で続いていた。Pompeiusは公権剥奪と彼と一緒にGaius Caesarの殺人に参加した者たちは追放された地での安全を許されるべきで失った財産は回復されるべきだと要求した。OctavianとAntonyは飢饉と人々に急かされた。

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