Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 60 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 19 Mar 2013 at 05:05

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

As Pompeius thought that he had come in order to be admitted to a share of the government in place of Lepidus, while the others would concede nothing but his recall from exile, they separated for the time without accomplishing anything.Nevertheless, negotiations were continued on the part of friends, who advanced various proposals from one side to the other. Pompeius demanded that, of the proscripts and the men with him, those who had participated in the murder of Gaius Caesar should be allowed a safe place of exile, and the rest restoration to their homes and citizenship, and that the property they had lost should be restored to them. Urged on by the famine and by the people to an agreement,Octavian and Antony


PompeiusはLepidusに代わって統治を共有することを認めてもらうために来たのだと思っていたが、Pompeiusに亡命のことを思い出させた他は他方は何も譲歩することなく、彼らは当分の間、何も達成せぬまま離れていた。しかし、友人側で交渉が続けられ、一方から他方へ様々な提案がなされた。Pompeiusは追放された者と自分の部下の中でGaius Caesarの殺害に加担した者には安全な亡命の場が許され、残りの者には自宅と市民権の回復、失った財産の回復を要求した。飢饉と市民の合意に対する強い突き上げに促されてOctavianとAntonyは

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