Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 11 Mar 2013 at 13:30


One reason why his campaign is succeeding must surely be because of his well-concocted fundraising video, which depicts Kenny being held at ransom by two crooks. Forced to cough up cash in the face of torture, he suggests desperately that he can get the money — through Indiegogo.

The short clip is hilarious and gripping, setting a high bar for what crowdfunding videos should be like. It’s certainly one of the best ones I’ve seen, ever.


このキャンペーンが成功している理由の1つは、同氏制作の良く作り込まれたプロモーション動画のために違いない。その中で、Kenny Gee氏は悪者2人につかまり、身代金を要求される。拷問を受けて、金をよこせと言われると、同氏は必死になって金を入手する方法について提案する。そう、Indiegogoを利用するのだ。


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