Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 56 / 1 Review / 07 Mar 2013 at 03:14

chanceofrain 56 yoroshikuonegaishimasu

地震発生後、着の身着のままで逃げて、避難所を転々とし、 ようやく避難先が落ち着いたころには、大切にしてきたものは遠い自宅に置き去り。



In March 2011, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, many familes had become nuclear power plant refugees.
After the earthquake, and after wandering shelters and fleeing with only the clothes on our backs, by the time we refugees had settled, all valueables in our homes had been left far behind.
Then after finally returning home, truly important things were only brought back in small bags.
There is a circle of memories of my grandmother and of my coming-of-age ceremony kimono, but I was truly grateful again for the love of my parents and of my family ties.

"What things do I feel are important for myself and for my life?"
Since the earthquake, I began to think about this every day.

Reviews ( 1 )

naoya0111 55 日本在住しています。北米に4年滞在、勤務歴があります。 翻訳は英日、日英...
naoya0111 rated this translation result as ★★★★★ 07 Mar 2013 at 06:59


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