Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 52 / 0 Reviews / 02 Mar 2013 at 20:56

tatsuto 52 英日翻訳を中心に請負っています。 得意分野:一般、科学、法律等 TOE...

As he was approaching,Lucilius presented himself,and said, "You have not captured Brutus." Brutus fled to the mountains with a considerable force,intending to return to his camp by night. But since all the roads were encompassed by guards.Antony passed the night under arms with his outposts over against Brutus, fortifying himself with a breastwork of dead bodies and spoils collected together. Octavius toiled til midnight and then retired on account of his illness, leaving Norbanus to watch the enemy's camp.Brutushaving fewer than four full legions, which had ascended the mountain with him, thought it best not to address himself to his troops, but to their officers, who were ashamed and repentant of their fault.


彼が近づいていくと、Luciliusが言った、 "Brutusを捕まえていないだろう" Brutusはかなりの戦力と山に登り、夜までには陣地に戻ろうとしていた。しかし全ての道が守り固められていた。Antonyは Brutusに対し形勢有利のまま夜を過ごし、遺体と集めた戦利品で要塞を固めていた。 Octaviusは夜まで働いていたが病気を理由に休み、 Norbanusを残し敵の陣営を監視させた。Brutusは4軍団に満たない戦力と山に登り兵隊達には直接話しをしなかったが、自分たち自身の失敗を恥じ、悔いている官吏達には話をした。

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