Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 30 Jan 2013 at 22:10

go1986 50

Octavian heard all this and saw that the people's zeal for him was natural; he then entered the Capitol and saw there many more of his father's soldiers, on whom Antonius was relying, but who were really far better disposed toward himself, if Antonius should try to injure him in any way. The marjority of the throng withdrew and the two leaders with their friends were left to discuss the situation.When Octavian went home after his reconciliation with Antonius, the latter, left to himself, became provoked again at seeing the good will of all the soldiers inclining very much toward Octavian.


この全てを聞き、人々が自分に熱中するのは当然だとOctavianには思えた。そしてthe Capitolの中へ入っていくと、彼の父のものをはるかにしのぐ数多の兵士達がいるのが見えた。Antoniusはその兵士達を信頼していたが、彼らの方はむしろAntoniusが何らかの危害を加えはしまいかとOctavianに対してより多くの注意を向けていた。大半の兵は下げられ、二人のリーダーとその側近のみが現況を議論するために残った。Octavianが調停を終えて帰ったあと、一人残されたAntoniusは全兵士の気持ちがOctavianへ傾いているのを見て、再び激昂したのだった。

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