Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 04 Jan 2013 at 16:03


Commissions from e-commerce transactions

Starting as a community for book readers — similar to GoodReads, Douban made its first money from commissions by directing users to online book retailers, Dangdang, Amazon China and the like. The rate was less than 10% of the transactions in 2006, according to Yang Bo, the founder and CEO. Now it contributes a total of 200 million yuan ($32mn) worth of online book sales a year.

Later on the site added other categories of content, including movies, music, local events and the like, so did the commission-based business. New feature released in May enables buying movie tickets directly at the Douban page of a movie — Douban takes sales cuts.



GoodReadsのように読書家のコミュニティとして始まったDoubanが最初に収益を上げた方法は、ユーザーをDangdangやAmazon Chinaなどのオンライン書籍販売業者へと誘導することで手数料を取るというものだった。創業者兼最高経営責任者Yang Bo氏によると、2006年のその割合は全取引額の10%以下だった。今ではオンラインでの書籍販売により、年に合計2億元(3200万ドル)に相当する売り上げを得ている。


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