Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 55 / 0 Reviews / 23 Dec 2010 at 18:15

hiro_hiro 55 よろしくお願いいたします。

* 外で大きな音がしたときに吠えるとき、どんな気持ちがしているか教えてくれる?

* A達が家に戻ったとき、どんなことを考えているのか教えてくれる?


* Would you tell me how you're feeling when you're barking responding to a loud sound outside?
He becomes on alert reflexively. While he tries to protect himself, he also feels a sense of responsibility to protect A . When he's barking, he can't pay any attentions to what A and other people say to him.

*Would you tell me how you feel when A and her husband come back home?
B is extremely happy. "They're finally back!" Sniffing at them makes him secure. He want's to be held in the arms. He want's to lap their faces. I felt a sense that he's feeling lonely and bored left alone in the house.

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Additional info: アニマルコミュニケーションの内容とコメントです。Aはクライアントの女性、Bはオスの犬、ミミとボボは猫です。