Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 21 Dec 2010 at 21:38

lisahh 50

(1) シェリーの呼吸が荒いので苦しいかどうか知りたい。 (呼吸が4月頃から荒く感じ病院に通院。病名ははっきりせず。 苦しくないか心配。 )
(2) 足腰は辛くないか? (足腰は1年位前から薬で治療中。 神経の伝達が上手にかずたまに足を引きずる。薬を毎日服用。痛くないか知りたい。 )
(3) 寝ている時に尿が少し漏れる事があり、彼女は怒られるんじゃないかとソワソワする。怒ってないよ、と伝えたい。(若い頃は自分の欲求が通らないとオシッコをした。当時はわざとなので叱っていた。


(1) I would like to know if Sherry is having very tough time because I recognize she breathes hard. ( I started to notice the symptom in April and she has seen a doctor since then. However the cause is still not found clearly. I am really worried about her feeling.)
(2) How's her legs and back conditions? ( She has been under medical treatment for almost one year. There seems to be disruption of neuro-transmission problem. She takes medicines everyday and sometimes drugs her leg. I would like to know if she has severe pain.)
(3) She has a nighttime incontinence problem sometimes, she starts to think about punishments when it happens and gets very nervous. What should I do to assuage her worry? (When she was young, she did it intentionally because things didn't go the way she wanted, and I called down for it. )

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Additional info: アニマルコミュニケーションの内容です。シェリーは犬です。