Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 21 Dec 2010 at 15:10

zhizi 52

(1) シェリーの呼吸が荒いので苦しいかどうか知りたい。 (呼吸が4月頃から荒く感じ病院に通院。病名ははっきりせず。 苦しくないか心配。 )
(2) 足腰は辛くないか? (足腰は1年位前から薬で治療中。 神経の伝達が上手にかずたまに足を引きずる。薬を毎日服用。痛くないか知りたい。 )
(3) 寝ている時に尿が少し漏れる事があり、彼女は怒られるんじゃないかとソワソワする。怒ってないよ、と伝えたい。(若い頃は自分の欲求が通らないとオシッコをした。当時はわざとなので叱っていた。


1. I want to know whether or not Sherry, the female dog, is suffering from pains because she is breathing heavily. (She has been taken to hospital regularly since April, and has received no clear diagnosis. I am concerned that she is in pain.)

2. I wonder if Sherry is feeling pains in the legs and lower back. (She has been under medication for her legs and lower back pains for about a year. Sherry sometimes limps her legs because of the failing neurotransmission. She takes medicines everyday. I want to know if she is in pain.)

3. Sherry sometimes wets herself while sleeping, and she becomes restless because she is afraid that she might be told off. I want to tell her that I am not angry at her. (When she was younger, she often peed whenever her desire was not fulfilled, and at that time, I told her off because she did that on purpose.)

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Additional info: アニマルコミュニケーションの内容です。シェリーは犬です。