Translator Reviews ( English → Native Spanish )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 01 Dec 2012 at 07:51

marlet 50 traduzco español, japones, e ingles. ...

In order to prove his own view of humanity as fundamentally depraved, the tyrant, who does not believe in friendship, permits Melos to go under the condition that if he does not return within that time, his friend will be executed. When Melos tries to appear at the wedding ceremony and return, various difficulties arise for Melos, and it is doubtful whether he will be able to return before his friend will be executed. Will Melos' friend be killed in his place, or will Melos bid his lovely younger sister's family farewell and return to be killed for his friend? What will the tyrant think if Melos returns...
It becomes a question about the trust and bonds between people.


A fin de probar su propio punto de vista humanitario como fundamentalmente depravado, el tirano, quien no cree en la amistad, permite que Melos vaya bajo la condicion de que si él no regresa a tiempo, su amigo será ejecutado. Cuando Melos trata de presentarse en la ceremonia y regresa, varias dificultades surgieron para Melos, y es dudoso si el va a ser capaz de regresar antes de que su amigo sea ejectuado. Será el amigo de Melos ejecutado en su lugar, o Melos se irá de su despedida de la familia de encantadora hermana menor y regresará para ser ejecutado en vez de su amigo? Qué pensará el tirano si Melos convertirá en esto va aser una pregunta acerca de la confianza y los vínculos entre las personas

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