Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 68 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 19 Nov 2012 at 16:12

zhizi 68

iFlytek, a Chinese company already had similar offerings earlier this year dubbed iFlytek Yudian. The company’s speech-recognition technology comes with an accuracy rate of more than 90% in terms of Mandarin Chinese. Other than accuracy, it could also do lots of chores for you, just like your personal assistant at hand. For example, you can tell the phone to “text Ben, let’s have dinner tomorrow night 8”, it will translate your speech to texts and ask for your confirmation before sending out.

Yue didn’t reveal further details on how Baidu’s Siri would work though.


中国企業のiFlytekは今年すでに同様のサービス「iFlytek Yudian」を提供している。同社の音声認識の正確さは、マンダリン中国語に関しては90%以上だ。正確さ以外にはその他多くの雑用もしてくれる — 身近にいるパーソナルアシスタントみたいに。例えば、携帯電話に「ベンに『明日の8時に夕食をたべよう』とメッセージを送ってくれ」と言えば、音声を文章にして、送信する前に確認をしてくれる。


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