Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 57 / 0 Reviews / 12 Oct 2012 at 08:21

yoggie 57 現在実務翻訳勉強中。一つ一つ丁寧に翻訳させて頂きたいと思います。 TOE...

BingDian Hotels App Checks-In Some Series A Funding

The makers of the BingDian Hotels app, which we looked at earlier this year shortly after it launched, has checked-in some series A funding. The round was led by California-based Bluerun Ventures, which also has an office in Shanghai and has invested in some other hot Chinese mobile startups such as the karaoke app Changba and the Pinterest-like Meilishuo.

It hasn’t been revealed precisely how much Bluerun put into BingDian with this investment, but Technode reports it to be a “multi-million US dollar” round.


BingDian Holtels AppがAファンドシリーズに参入

BingDian Hotels appがスタート直後の今年初めに見たのだが、同社はAファンドシリーズいくつかに参入した。このラウンドを率いているのは、カリフォルニアに拠点のあるBluerun Venturesで、この会社は上海にもオフィスを構えており、これまでにもカラオケアプリChangbaやPinterestに似たMeilishuoなど今ホットな中国のモバイルスタートアップにも投資している。


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