Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 53 / 0 Reviews / 29 Sep 2012 at 23:06

iorisan 53

イーテックグループの玉井 代表取締役は「グローバル化への変化 海外への事業シフト、見えてくるシニアライフ」というテーマで、ベトナムでのビジネスチャンスやリタイア後の移住について提案した。法人税額の減免措置や優遇法人税率、年7~8%の経済成長予測、ホスピタリティの充実、国民気質が日本人に馴染みやすいことなどから、毎年30程度の企業が進出していることなど、ベトナムでの事業展開の魅力を説明。現地のMICE関係者との交流についても語った


Tamai, CEO of E-Tech Group, Inc., gave a proposal of Vietnam's business chances and immigration to Vietnam after retirement, under the theme "Changing to globalization, corporates shifting their businesses to overseas, senior life getting visible clearly".

He explained the charms of business deployment in Vietnam with following reasons; reduced rates and exemption to the corporate taxation and to the corporate preferential taxation, annual economic growth of 7 to 8%, fulfilling hospitality, temperament of the citizens blending right in with the people of Japan, and about 30 corporates expanding their business to Vietnam each year. He also talked about interactions he has had with the people involved with MICE on the spot.

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