Translator Reviews ( Japanese → Native English )

Rating: 60 / 0 Reviews / 20 Sep 2012 at 22:54




The form of massage called 'Tsubo', which is performed with the finger and thumb, provides stimulus to the nervours system, promotes good circulation and healther, as well as aiding recovery from disease.
From ancient times, various types of 'teate' ('laying on of hands'- using massage instead of medicines or surgery to treat illness) habe been practiced in Japan. These techniques have also come under the influence of Chinese traditional medicine and American Chriopractic, and the modern technique applied today seems to have been developed in the Taisho era. Since the developer of the technique, Tokujiro Namikoshi used the technique on notable figures such as Marilyn Monroe, Mohammed Ali, and various Japanese prime ministers, this form of treatment has become famous the world over.

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