Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 57 / 0 Reviews / 18 Aug 2012 at 02:18

endy 57 たまにやってます。 TOEIC 970

What were some of your lessons?

This post was originally published on YEC.

About David Cohen

After joining Round Table Companies in 2007 as director of publishing and client relations, David Cohen now serves as VP and chief strategist. Appearing in dozens of films, commercials, and television shows, David graduated from Rollins College with a theater degree. His last film project was producing Notorious B.I.G. Bigger Than Life with Academy- and Emmy Award-nominated director Peter Spirer (Image Entertainment [DISK], September 2007).




David Cohenについて

2007年にRound Table Companiesへ出版と顧客対応を担当する役員として参加した後、 David Cohenは現在、副社長兼チーフストラテジストとして働いている。十数の映画やCM、テレビ番組に出演して、DavidはRollins Collegeから演劇の学位を受けた。彼による最後の仕事はNotorious B.I.G. Bigger Than Life with Academy- and Emmy Award-nominated director Peter Spirer (Image Entertainment [DISK], September 2007)をプロデュースしたことだ。

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