Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 27 Jul 2012 at 18:02

bot2 50

Saint Catherine沿いの道より登頂をはじめる
Mount sinai山頂にて日の出をみる
"arnon valley jordan"を北上
途中”Black Iris”(花)を見学
"St George's Church"近くにて昼食
”Mount Nebo”山頂から"Gilead"、"The Jordan River basin"など眺望
"Royal Road"をとおりイスラエルへ


Along the Saint Catherine street we will start the summit.
At Mount Sinai we will watch the sunrise, and have lunch at Catherine.
At the museum in the ruins we will have lunch.
We will go northward to a huge valley in Moab called the "Valley of the Arnon".
Along the way we will look at some Black Irises, and have lunch near St. George Church.
We will tour around from the summit of Mount Nebo to Gilead, and to the Jordan River basin.
We will cross the boarder to Israel from the Royal Road.

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Additional info: 旅行の計画書をつくっています。固有名詞は、英語で書いておきました。よろしくお願いします。