Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 53 / Native Indonesian / 0 Reviews / 19 Jul 2012 at 08:29

dazaifukid 53 来日13年目。東京在住。文系大学卒→理系大学院中退。翻訳・通訳歴10年。ビ...

鳥取県日南町生山(にちなんちょう しょうやま)の町有地(2.6ヘクタール)に、ベンチャー企業が計画している大規模太陽光発電所が暗礁に乗り上げている。発電した電力を中国電力の配電線に送る「系統連系」のメドが立たない。提供:朝日新聞記事より。


A large-scale solar power plant project to be built on a 2.6 hectares town-owned land in Shoyama, Nichinan-cho, Tottori prefecture planned by venture company is at a stalemate. The "grid system" to send the generated power to Chugoku Electric Power Co. distribution line is nowhere to be found. (from Asahi Shimbun and other articles)
It is said that the reason is that it exceeds the capacity of the grid system. But it is only 150kW. This is the factor that inhibits the development of renewable energy in Japan.

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