Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 68 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 25 Apr 2012 at 18:35

zhizi 68

That’s why I, and my business partner Cameron Priest, launched TradeGecko and joined the JFDI-Innov8 2012 bootcamp here in Singapore. It’s a 100 day digital business ‘accelerator’ that is taking us from an idea for a new kind of stock and inventory management system for SME fashion companies, through building a working prototype. On 4th May we pitch it to a roomful of investors.

We want to help labels get back their creative freedom by automating the sales cycle. No more creating order sheets, no more time sucking spreadsheets, no more chasing accounts, just one central control system to manage the core of any wholesale business and create transparency between wholesalers and retailers.


これが、私と私のビジネスパートナー Cemeron Priest が TradeGecko を始め、ここシンガポールで「JFDI-Innov8 2012 bootcamp」に参加した理由だ。「JFDI-Innov8 2012 bootcamp」は、100日間のデジタルビジネス「アクセラレーター」で、これに参加したことで、私達が考えたファッション関連中小企業向けの新しい仕入れ在庫管理システムのアイデアを実用的な試作モデルにまで築くことができた。私達は5月4日に会場いっぱいに集まった投資家の前でピッチを行なう。


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