Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 52 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 20 Apr 2012 at 23:09

tatsuoishimura 52 経済、法務、マーケティング関連分野を中心に、英-日、日-英翻訳を行います。...


① 甲の芸能活動のスケジュール調整及び管理。
② クライアント及びスポンサーに対する甲の宣材資料の作成並びに配布。
③ 甲の芸能活動により発生する報酬及び使用料の交渉、請求、受領等の管理業務。
④ 甲の肖像及び甲の芸能活動により発生した著作物、商品の管理並びに使用(第三者への使用許諾も含む)


3. (Management services provided by TCP)

Under the Agreement the First Party shall provide the following management services for the Second Party:
(1) to coordinate and manage schedules of the Second Party's show business,
(2) to make and distribute the Second Party's promotion materials to clinents and sponsors,
(3) to negotiate, bill, receive reward and royalty which will arise from the Second Party's show business, and
(4) to take charge of and use the right of publicity of the Second Party, and the books and the goods which have been developed from such show business (including the lisencing to the third pirites).

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