Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 57 / 0 Reviews / 02 Apr 2012 at 14:58

kaory 57

We quickly made a little chart of our TechInAsia contributor structure (see below). This is not really complete or anything, so apologies to our great contributors in Thailand, India, and elsewhere. But you get the idea. We could all add items at the same time, and in a few moments we had a very simple chart.

Of course, if you’re well-versed in the tools that Cacoo provides, then you can likely do something far more complex than this. There’s always screen-sharing over Skype of course, but the collaborative element with Cacoo in Google Hangouts is pretty neat.



もちろんCacooが提供しているツールに精通しているのなら、これよりもずっと複雑な図を描くことができる。もともとスカイプでもスクリーンシェアができるだが、Google HangoutsでCacooを使った共同作業ができる領域はかなりしっかりとしている。

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