Translator Reviews ( Japanese → English )

Rating: 50 / Native Japanese / 0 Reviews / 31 Mar 2012 at 02:04


■ミッドタウンで深夜までオープンしているビストロフレンチ。食の素材感を生かしたライトフレンチを気軽にお楽しみ頂けます。 カジュアルシックな大人の空間で、シャンパンを片手に優雅なひと時をお過ごし下さい。 のんびり過ごせるテラス席は皆さまの至福のひと時に最適です!



A Bistro French at midtown that opens till midnight . You can enjoy light French that use the natural taste of the ingredients. Enjoy your relaxing luxurious moment with a glass of champagne in a casual, but chic romantic atmosphere. Relaxing terrace table is the best spot to spend your happiest moment.

Hiding casual French restaurant located only 3-minute walk from Aoyama 1 chome station. You will enjoy the various organic vegetable as the restaurant gets deliver seasonal and safe ingredients from all over the country.

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