Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 51 / 0 Reviews / 30 Mar 2012 at 20:16

hatano 51

In startups you have to achieve many things with small workforce, small amount of money and in a very short time. That is, in startups because of constrains many things have to be “macha kucha” and this is against "majime suru."

8. In Japan companies want to do business with big organization with long history just to be safe. That is, if a few young techie guys go to a company and say "hey, we have this new web application and we will give it to you for free." No company will talk to them because they are very young, they have no capital and their company has no history. That's why in Japan companies list how much paid capital and the head count they have on their websites.



8. 日本の起業は長い歴史を持つ大きな組織と、ただ安全のためだけに、取引をしたがる。これはつまり、数少ない若い技術オタクたちがとある企業に出向いて「もしもし、我々はここに新しいwebアプリケーションを持ってきました、どうぞ無料でお使いください」と言ったとしても、彼らが非常に若いうえに、資本も持たず、会社は歴史が浅いという理由で、彼らと話をしようとする企業は存在しないということである。このために、日本の各企業はwebサイトの上に資本金と従業員数を掲載しているわけだ。

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