Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 26 Mar 2012 at 17:40

2lunes 50 現在お仕事はお引き受けしておりません。

The announcement has some positive implications for the music industry as well, as Malaysian musicians represented by the collecting society MACP can profit from having videos on YouTube, and even use it as a platform to springboard to a global stage.

Youtube also has partnerships in place with prominent Malaysian media companies such as Astro Malaysia and KRU Studios.

Our readers may recall that it was just back in October that YouTube also launched a localized site for Singapore as well.

Check out the ‘Welcome to Malaysia, Youtube’ video below, which features a number of prominent musicians offering their congratulations.



さらに、YouTubeは、Astro MalaysiaやKRU Studioといった、マレーシアの一流メディア企業と提携している。


下のWelcome to Malaysia, Youtubeという動画をご覧いただきたい。この動画では多くの有名ミュージシャンが祝福の言葉を述べている様子が収められている。

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