Translator Reviews ( English → Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 26 Apr 2010 at 20:19

hisakoh 50

In these " pockets of malnutrition,"phsical and mental health is at risk. Hunger has always existed, and probably always will. However, it could be greatly reduced if only politicians were brave enough to try. If the products of the world's farmers, orchards and oceans were distributed equally, everyone could have 36 oceans were distributed equally, everyone could have 3600 calories a day.


このような「栄養不良」状態では、身体的・精神的健康がおびやかされます。食糧危機の問題は古くから続いており、今後もなくなることはないでしょう。しかし、政治家がチャレンジする勇気を持ちさえすれば、この問題は大幅に改善されるのではないでしょうか。全世界の農園、果樹園、そして海からの産物が均等に分け与えられれば、誰もが一日3600カロリーを摂取することができるのです。(訳注: everyone could have 36 oceans were distributed equally, は転記ミスと思われましたので訳出しませんでした。)

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