Translator Reviews ( English → Native Japanese )

Rating: 50 / 0 Reviews / 13 Jul 2020 at 21:54


Nutmeg was once so rare and valuable the Dutch traded Manhattan to the British for the sole island on which it grew. It has a fragrant and intense flavor when freshly ground. Today, our Ground Nutmeg is used in baked goods and custards, and grated for mashed potatoes, ravioli fillings, and egg nog. Also available in Whole Nutmeg.

Until just a few centuries ago, all the world’s nutmeg grew on just a few tiny islands in Indonesia.
European colonial powers fought bitterly over control of these islands, as nutmeg was highly valued for its flavor, preservative qualities, and alleged ability to cure plague.



ほんの数世紀前までは、世界中のすべてのナツメグはインドネシアのほんのいくつかの小さな島のみで生産されていました。ナツメグはその香り、防腐剤としての効果、またペストを治す効果があるとされていたため、非常に価値があるものだったのです。そのため、ヨーロッパの 植民地保有国はこのインドネシアを巡って激しく戦ったのです。

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Additional info: 日本人に伝わりやすい翻訳をお願いします。