Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Okita is the Shinsengumi's First Division Captain whose sword skill surpasses...

Original Texts


沖田は沢山の同人誌やキャラクターアイテムが揃っていますので、お気に入りのグッズを見つけてください! 斎藤は新撰組三番組組長で、沖田と同じくらいの剣の腕前です。寡黙な人ですが、冷静な判断ができるため、新撰組の中でも多く活躍します。


Translated by gorogoro13
Okita is the leader of the first squad of Shinsen-Gumi and he is superior swordman.

He larks Tizuru sometimes, but he bravely protects her at episode 3 and 12.
That scene is so cool that I'd like to watch it over and over again.
In episode 8, he talks with Tizuru about his hair style.
That scene is so peaceful and calm.
I like to watch his behavior when he says, "You can't tell it to anyone else or I will kill you".

Okita appers in many Fanzine[Dojinshi] and there is many of his character merchandise.
You should try some!
Saito is the leader of the third squad of Shinsen-Gumi and he is a skillful swordman who match for Okita.
He is wordless, but he can make a right decision under any situation so he occasionally makes a big scene in the story.

He looks cold on the surface, but he is quite a kind person that always taking care of Tizuru.
I recommend you to watch episode 5 and 7 which he shows his kindness.
Especially in episode 7, his rare smile scene makes me so comfortable.
I strongly recommend you to see it!

Among all Saito's character merchandise, I can recommend you to pick stationery product with illustration.
It's so cool!

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 3 hours
gorogoro13 gorogoro13