プレゼントして頂けるだけで嬉しくて仕方がないから大丈夫です(笑 TSCO Racingの物ならゴミでも嬉しいほどですから(笑
My size in western clothing is... probably somewhere around S or M in American sizes.
I think my wife her size is also somewhere between S or M, but of course in sizes for women.
I'm already very happy with just the fact that I can receive it as a present, haha. (I'm happy with any object related to TSCO racing, I would even be happy with trash, as long as it's related to TSCO racing!)
You can send me the DVD of the program as well?! I'm so happy! It's no problem if the region code doesn't match with that of Japan!
I work as a cameraman for a television station, so I have an abundance of video-related equipment at home. There shouldn't be any problem.