Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] J-Payment is an online payment company from Japan. They tried to enter Indone...

Original Texts
J-Payment is an online payment company from Japan. They tried to enter Indonesia by forming a joint ventures with Sinar Mas, but due to lack of capital from the J-Payment side, the joint venture effort was cancelled although both sides already signed an MoU and I-Payment, the legal entity for the joint venture already formed. Sinar Mas ended bringing partner from Singapore and launched SafePit instead

Veritrans Japan (now wholly owned by Digital Garage and Netprice Group wants to enter Indonesia, and they find a local partner to form a joint venture. The local partner is PT Midtrans Indonesia (Indonesia conglomerate group) after more than 6 months of preparation, they officially launched Veritrans in October 201
Translated by naoya0111
J-Payment は日本のオンライン決済会社です。企業はSinar Masとの事業統合によりインドネシアでのビジネス進出を試みたが、J-Payment側の資本不足により、事業統合は中止された。すでに結成された事業統合のための法的組織MoU and I-Paymentと契約していたのにもかかわらず。Sinar Mas は最終的にシンガポールからの統合相手を選び、SafePitの事業を始めた。

Veritrans Japan(現在はDigital Garage とNetprice Groupにより所有されている)もインドネシアへの事業進出を考えていて、現地での統合相手を見つけたい。その統合相手とはPT Midtrans Indonesia ( インドネシアの複合企業グループ)。6カ月以上の準備後、2012年10月に企業はVeritransを正式に始めた。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
29 minutes
naoya0111 naoya0111
