Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] People have often been amazed at the strong body, the excellent fighting capa...

Original Texts
Trilabo作家Deraが描く「サイバー達摩」を池田淳によるヴィジュアライゼーションコラボのiphone ケースです。
Translated by groovyyukiko
People have often been amazed at the strong body, the excellent fighting capability and the ability to adopt to harsh conditions. In time, they came to combine various local materials to make up fork figures that looked like the cyber daruma and placed them on the home shrine or in the living room, praying their wishes. That reflects the mind of those who attempted to live on with strength and flexibility even though suffering from the repeated wars.
iPhone case, collaboration with 'Cyber Darma' illustrated by Dera, Trilabo writer Dera, and visualized by Mr.Jun Ikeda.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 3 hours
groovyyukiko groovyyukiko
Freelance Japanese/English Translator based in Osaka, Japan.