Pacific Select V offers cash value growth potential through three types of investment options – variable, fixed and indexed - so the policy can evolve with your clients’ changing needs. The 1-Year Indexed Fixed Account provides interest crediting based in part on the performance of the S&P 500®2 (excluding dividends) plus guarantees that include a current growth cap of 11% (3% guaranteed) and a 1% floorto help protect the policy’s cash value against downturns.
1年間のインデックス型定額預金は一部、S&P 500の出来高(配当金は除く)と現在11%の成長率(3%が保証付き)を含む保証、下降トレンドに対してPacific Select Vが現金保証する方針を保持する1%の底値に基づいて利子が付きます。