Yan, hello my name is micahel, very important question I love gizmo you have best price on santa gizmo i wanted no clothes gizmo but i can purchase this one, his clothes are removable right? He can be naked like regular gizmo and I can put clothes back on in xmas right? I cannot afford $1000 for original gizmo but santa gizmo same size as regular gizmo right, if you answer yes, his clothes can be removed, I will purchase annd pay in 5 days, check my feedback, im great for it, is this GIZMO BEAUTIFUL IN PERSON, I ONLY COLLECT BEAUTIFUL COLLECTIBLES! thank you mike
I really don't have a problem with the Disk System being used. All I want to know is if it
comes with an AC adapter and if you have any boxed Disk System's as well, as I highly prefer being able to get a boxed copy instead of one that's not boxed.
I saw about six or more pictures on the item description of the Disk System and I wanted to know if those pictures were actual pictures of the item that I had bought. The pictures show the Disk System in different angles, as well as the RAM adapter and the box. If those pictures were from the exact item I bought, then I would accept the offer, but if not then all I require is updated pictures so I am able to see the condition of the item so I can decide if I want to purchase it. As mentioned before it doesn't matter to me that it isn't new. Thanks again.
ACアダプターがついているかどうか、ということと、箱に入ったコピーをできればほしいと強く思っているので、箱に入ったDisk Systemがあるかどうかということをお知らせください。
Disk Systemの詳細が書いてある写真を6枚以上見ましたが、見た写真は私が注文した物の写真でしょうか?見た写真はDisk Systemsをいろんな角度から撮ってあり、RAMアダプターと箱も映っていました。この写真が注文した物の実際の写真なのであれば、このオファーをお受けしますが、そうでないなら、写真をアップデイトしていただき、商品の状態を見せてください。それから購入するかどうか決めたいと思います。 既にお伝えしてますが、新品でなくても気にしません。ありがとうございます。