Only the third party can truly tell whether a corporation can provide high quality service to make customers satisfied. Nobody inside of the corporation is able to do it.If people know that a researcher is evaluating the quality of their service, honest research results never can be obtained.Here is our research method.
There are two types of researchers to conduct a mystery shopping;
Researcher selected among ordinal people, who has general sense of shopping,
Professional researchers with professional sense of shopping.
Difference between corporation research and mystery shopping.
Mystery shopping has been widely adopted in the United States, from the service business to the public sector, over 500 research institutions use this method to conduct their customer satisfaction research. In Japan, the method is becoming more and more popular especially in eateries, beauty salons and estheticians and goods sales.
How much credibility does mystery shopping method have in measuring custumer satisfaction?
In order to improve the quality of mystery shoppers, we introduced Japan's first mystery shopper ranking system.
First, the great advantage of mystery shopping is that “real service quality” can be evaluated because an examiner not known to a company investigate it. [If a person inside a company do examination, the company’s service may be improved temporarily but would not last long. In addition the examination eye lines are apt to be deformed, leading to unreliable results.] A mystery shopper receives the service from a company under the same condition as customers’, so he/she can feel the same satisfaction/dissatisfaction as customers receive and report reliable results.
These will be good data useful for improving service qualities and awareness raising of staffs.
This method can have a defect as follows. Basically one examination is carried out by one shopper, so the result may be affected by his/her fondness or perceived notion without objectivity. So some institutes have made investigation design manuals so that the constant and uniform results will be obtained even if any shoppers do investigation. In addition, mystery shoppers must follow prescribed detail examination item sheets to do exact evaluation; the items are time of investigation, number of customers coming to a shop, gender, age, etc.
Thus general consumers (third body) can evaluate services, and in this way companies (shops) can understand satisfaction/dissatisfaction of their customers, for which they have had no idea until now. Consequently accumulation of the examination will increase the reliability of mystery shopping system. Especially to the companies that are very keen about their service reputation this system will prevail. We think that not only in these fields but also in other fields such as medical institutions and public agencies this system will be widely used
Recently we began to hear the word “Mystery shopping” often also in Japan. The system takes the way by which mystery shoppers selected through the Internet do the actual work: they go to shops and examine the service qualities of the shops, and answer to the investigation sheets they are given from the relevant investigation institutions. If their answers are satisfactorily made, they are paid. Now this system is spreading in the various fields in Japan. Let’s see how the world-wide situation of this field is.
Most important is the quality of mystery shoppers.
まず、ミステリーショッピングが生まれたアメリカでは、大手企業が顧客満足度を測るためにこの調査法を利用するのは、いまや当たり前のことになっています。調査を行うミステリーショッパーを提供する調査機関も次々と登場し、一つの業界として完成されていると言えます。MSPA(Mystery Shopping Providers Association)という米国最大のミステリーショッピング協会が運営されていることからもお分かり頂けると思います。
In the U.S. where the mystery shopping was first born, utilizing this system is a commonplace now for major companies to know the degree of satisfaction of their customers. The number of organizations to provide mystery shoppers increases so much, and this field became a kind of an established business world. You can see the present situation seeing the biggest mystery shopping association (Mystery Shopping Providers Association) blooming.
At the dshopper-insight
In the U.K. believers, who are mystery shoppers, investigate the churches, or the system of mystery shopping was introduced to examine the quality (degree of satisfaction) of “The professional consulting counters dealing with distresses of the young” launched by the government. The result seems to have bee miserable contrary to expectation. But it was good to be able to realize the real state of the system, which result will be able to be utilized for its future improvement.
Thus the investigation design system without any waste increases satisfaction of customers efficiently.
In Singapore also mystery shopping system has been employed, and a program “Singapore Service Star” was launched. This program was set up by the governmental sightseeing department. The targets are hotels, restaurants and survivor shops, where mystery shopping investigation is carried out. If a shop goes up above a certain prescribed level in terms of its charge, service, etc., it can get a mark certifying that it is a good shop. Several time investigations seem to be done for one shop. This kind of quality standard is good to foster the sightseeing scheme of the government.
I'm sure that everyone with experience in store survey will agree that it is not easy to obtain "an easy to understand report (customer's voice)". The voice of mystery shoppers that did the survey halfheartedly or counting the survey as "free meal", can not necessarily be called the true reportation.
In addition, conducting excessive prior trainings and lectures before the survey may bias the eyes of the consumers, they will see the product as an surveyors rather than as regular consumers.