Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 137-1 To be fair, Gates admitted he was wrong as often as everyone else...

Original Texts
PAGE 137-1
To be fair, Gates admitted he was wrong as often as everyone else in the computer industry. His argument was that he could afford to be wrong more often because he had so many projects on the go at any one time. 'I synthesize a lot of information to get a broad picture', he explained. 'So there are cases where I'll decide things a bit differently. But I'm the CEO and the technical strategy is in my hands. Sometimes I'm completely alone in my opinions if it's a technical question or a strategy problem.
Translated by yoggie
PAGE 137-1
公正を期するために言えば、自分もコンピューター業界に従事する他の人と同じように間違えることがあるとゲイツは認めた。 常にたくさんのプロジェクトが同時進行しているからその分間違えることも多い、というのだ。「私は、広大なヴィジョンを手に入れるためにたくさんの情報を総合して扱っているんだ。だから、ちょっと違った風に決断してしまうこともある。しかし、私はCEOであり、技術的な戦略はすべて私の手中にあるんだ。技術的な疑問や戦略上の問題の場合、いわば私は完璧に孤独なんだ。」と彼は説明した。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 4 hours
yoggie yoggie