Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 50-2 In fact, this is a strategy that Gates used many times. In 1982, f...

Original Texts
PAGE 50-2
In fact, this is a strategy that Gates used many times. In 1982, for example, he bought the basis of DOS from a small company called Seattle Computers, and went on to make it into the industry standard. And it's not just software that he plundered. On occasions, Gates bought companies simply to acquire the expertise of exceptional programmers, who would often have a stake in the smaller firm. In such cases, Gates could offer several million dollars for the company as an inducement for the key individuals to join Microsoft. In this way, he brought deep seams of technical expertise into Micro' soft very rapidly.
Translated by kaory
50-2 ページ
これは実際にゲイツが何度も使った戦略なのである。例えば1982年、DOSの基本となるものをSeattle Computersという小さな企業から購入して、業界標準に仕立て上げた。占有したのはソフトウェアだけではない。ときには会社自体を買収して能力のあるプログラマーのノウハウを取り入れたのだが、彼らはその会社の株式を所有することも多かった。このような場合にゲイツは、移籍する条件として数百万ドルを会社に支払い、キーマンとなるプログラマーをマイクロソフトに引き抜いていった。こういった方法で、専門的技術者の不足分をマイクロソフトに目覚ましい早さで補充したのだ。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 6 hours
kaory kaory