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[Translation from Japanese to English ] Mystery shopping is called "Masked research" in Japan. This is one of the res...

Original Texts
ミステリーショッピングとは日本語で言うと「覆面調査」となります。アメリカで始まったマーケティング調査のなかの一つで日本においてもすでに知られるものとなっています。ミステリーショッピングという名称は、顔や素性を明かしていない一般客を装った調査員(「Mystery Shopper:なぞの買い物客」)が調査を行うことからきていると言われています。企業が本当に顧客満足度の高いサービスを提供できているかどうかは、その企業内の人間ではなく、第三者が調査を行うことで初めて把握できるのです。
Translated by ce70wn
Mystery shopping is called "Fukumen chosa" in Japanese. It is one of the marketing surveys that was founded in the US and is already known in Japan. The name "mystery shopping" is said to have come from the researches done by a stealth researcher pretending to be the public ( "Mystery shopper: A mysterious shopper" ). Whether a company is really providing high customer satisfaction through their services or not could only be understood through researches conducted by a third party, not by the employee of that company.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
34 minutes
ce70wn ce70wn