Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] PAGE 26-2 Gates' business savvy won the day. MS-DOS was established as the i...

Original Texts
PAGE 26-2
Gates' business savvy won the day. MS-DOS was established as the industry standard. The question was whether Gates could go the distance. By the mid-1980s, Gates' reputation as an outstanding programmer was widely accepted. Few doubted that he was one of the most talented techies to emerge from the maelstrom of the Silicon Valley revolution. His competitive spirit and personal drive to succeed were legendary. What critics questioned were his managerial credentials. They asked whether he had the necessary skills and charisma to lead a company that was fast becoming a major player in corporate America.
Translated by wktn
ゲイツのビジネスは抜け目なく勝利を得た。 MS-DOSは業界標準の座を確立した。問題は、ゲイツに最後までやり抜くことができるかどうかだった。1980年代の半ばまでに、ゲイツの名声は優秀なプログラマーとして広く受け入れられていた。彼がシリコンバレー革命の混乱から出現した最も優秀な技術者であることを疑う人はほとんどいなかった。彼の競争心や成功に導く個人的手腕は伝説的だった。批判的な人々が疑ったのは、彼の経営者としての実績だった。そうした人々は、アメリカにおける主要なプレーヤーに短期間で成長した企業を率いるだけの力量とカリスマ性が彼にあるかについて疑問を呈した。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 6 hours
wktn wktn