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[Translation from English to Japanese ] Page 4-1 Or is there something more to the man who could have retired comfor...

Original Texts
Page 4-1
Or is there something more to the man who could have retired comfortably in his 20s but preferred to carry on working 16-hour days? Stories abound about Gates the genius mathematician and computer programmer, and about the other Gates, the ruthless businessman who went all out to crush the competition. Only by separating the fact from the fiction can we begin to reveal the real Gates. What emerges from this analysis is a far more complicated picture.
Translated by henno
それとも、20代のうちにリタイアできて、それでも1日16時間働き続ける人にはそれ以上の何かがあるのだろうか? 天才的な数学者でプログラマーでもあるゲイツと、競争を破壊するのに本気をだした無慈悲なビジネスマンであるゲイツには多くのストーリーがある。作り話から事実を切り離すことでのみ、本当のゲイツを明らかにすることができる。この分析から現れるのは、彼のもっと複雑な姿である。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 2 hours
henno henno