Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] I am very sorry that you are mad and disappointed. I understand that the phot...

Original Texts
I am very sorry that you are mad and disappointed. I understand that the photos make the fish look somewhat gold, it just happened to be the lighting that I was taking the pictures in. There was no intent to be fradulent or fool anyone. The fish is made by Christofle of France, who is known world wide for their excellent work in silver and silver plating and I say in my ad three times that the fish is silver or silver plated and I also told you that it was silver plated in an email. When I told you, in the email, that it was silver, you had time then to cancel the transaction, (If that is not what you were looking for) which I would have done without a problem. I had know idea you were expecting a golden colored fish.
I am very sorry that that you feel as though you have been fooled, when I have tried to tell you, to the best of my ability, that this fish is silver. As I said before, if you are unhappy please send it back and I will refund your original purchase price, ($104.08). I am not responsible for any of your other fees, because I do not ship internationally. I shipped this item to California.

As far as the negative feeback, that is up to you. You can say that I intentionally meant to mislead you that this fish was GOLD, but you and I both know, that every email and the ad says that the fish is SILVER. So, if your conscious tells you that it is okay to say that, I guess I will have to live with that.
Again, my sincere apologies!!
Thank you for your kind response,
Loralie Hurt

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Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour