Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Although the impact of coronavirus still exists, now we can see some progress...

Original Texts
Model No.AとBのアクリルカバーを被せた状態と外した状態の動画を送ってもらうことは可能ですか。


Translated by steveforest
As the impact of the coronavirus pandemic continues, it became a topic also here in Japan.
At the moment, we are promoting your products to our customers, therefore, would it be possible to send me video clips of putting on an acrylic cover and removing the cover to model No. A and B respectively? Please record the difference for the noise of the fan with and without the cover as my customer minds the noise of the fan.
Could you tell me the price, the packing size and the unit price for 1pcs, 10pcs, and 20pcs, and its schedule of delivery of the product, please?
Anyway, what a brilliant product, you ever made! May also know the price of the table as well?

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
10 minutes
steveforest steveforest
I worked for the broadcaster as an engineer for over 35 years.
During my car...