Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I have been sending messages to the buyer even before eBay side has refunded ...

Original Texts
ebayサイドがバイヤーに勝手に返金をする前から私はバイヤーにメッセージを送っていますが、返信が一切ありません。 私はebay上のルールを理解していませんでした。 日本セラーはラベル発行は出来ない為、送料の支払い方法がわかりませんでした。ebayサイドでバイヤーに返品をするように促して下さい。ebay上のルールで何も出来ませんではあまりにも酷すぎますよ。私はバイヤーから商品を送ってもらい、メーカーに検品をしてもらいます。そして、この商品が全く不具合がないことを証明いたします。
Translated by steveforest
There is no reply yet as I had sent a message to the buyer before eBay itself resulted in a refund without any notice. I didn't understand the rules of eBay.
As sellers in Japan cannot issue the label so that we don't know how to pay the shipping cost.
Please encourage the buyer to return items on eBay side.
It is far to understand that you cannot do anything because of the rule of eBay.
I asked buyers to send items and I would ask the maker to inspect the item.
And, I will prove that this item does not have any problems.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
9 minutes
steveforest steveforest
I worked for the broadcaster as an engineer for over 35 years.
During my car...