Notice of Conyac Termination

[Translation from Japanese to English ] I attach the remaining documents. Firstly, in regards to FC Transfers, when ...

This requests contains 236 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translators : ( soulsensei , kumako-gohara ) and was completed in 0 hours 11 minutes .

Requested by yamamuro at 09 Apr 2019 at 21:00 6654 views
Time left: Finished

まずFC Transfersについてです。
次にMCF についてです。

Rating 53
Translation / English
- Posted at 09 Apr 2019 at 21:11
I attach the remaining documents.
Firstly, in regards to FC Transfers, when we asked Amazon, it seemed that the costs related to FC Transfers were not incurred yet. As such, a zero was recorded.
Next, as for MCF, the order ID has been deleted as per instructed yesterday, so could you please double check it.
The money that has been recorded is almost error-free.
For the green line only, although similar orders could not be found, we have projected sums. Therefore, I do not think there will be too much difference.
The yellow line refers to books, hence it is a tax exemption. With that, I end my email.
soulsensei- over 5 years ago
Sorry, I made a mistake.

Next, as for MCF, the order ID has been deleted as per instructed yesterday, so I could not double check it.
Rating 52
Translation / English
- Posted at 09 Apr 2019 at 21:06
I send you the rest of all documents.
First of all, I want to talk about FC Transfers.
According to Amazon, the cost doesn't incur in this.
Therefore, I input zero to all blanks.
Next, I will talk about MCF.
As I said to you yesterday, I cannot check it accurately because the order ID has been deleted already.
I guess there is no mistake in the mentioned amount.
I could not find only amount in the green line because I could not find similar order.
I input the estimated amount but I think it is not so different.
The yellow line is not subject to tax because it is book. That is all.


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