Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Please check the material about other detailed content. I am holding the pro...

Original Texts
通常本物のデニム生地を乳幼児向け玩具商品に採用する事は中々難しいのですが、既にアパレル業界では一般的になっているこの転写プリント技術を使う事によりデニムを始めとしたスパンコールみたいなキラキラとした布地、木目など、通常LAMAZEの商材には採用が難しかった風合い、競合とは異なるデザインテイストを効果的に商品に取り込む事が出来ます。 その他の詳細な内容に関しては資料をご確認ください。
Translated by kamitoki
This will be the proposal sheet for the new concept that used Lamaze denim print that was consulted with Mr. T fron the Tokyo head office. Please check the content from the below link.
It's quite difficult to adopt common genuine denim fabric into toys for infants but by using this transfer print technology which is already common in the apparel industry, we can effectively incorporate in the product a texture that was difficult to adopt in common Lamaze product material such as fabric, starting with denim, that sparkles like sequins, has wood grain etc., and has design taste that is different from our competitors.
Please check the material about other detailed content.
I am holding the prototype from Mr. T which you can actually feel that denim fabric has been used and which has actually been subjected to transfer printing so if necessary I will send it to the C office as well. Please let me know.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
kamitoki kamitoki
JLPT Level 2 passer
JLPT Level 1 60%
Translated various Japanese-English do...