Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] I would love to make you more dolls but my problem is I have so many kits to ...

Original Texts
I would love to make you more dolls but my problem is I have so many kits to do, I am selling them to make room. You can see my adds on eBay. I have one doll for sale right now, a curly blonde haired toodler I think I sent you a picture of her already...I will send more pictures of her so you know who I am talking about. I also have a Louisa and a Madeline dolls to do if you would like those toddlers. But I plan to use human brown or blonde hair on them, like Chantel. So if you want any of them let me know I will make them for you.
I will send pictures of them right now to you. Let me know which ones you want or if you want to wait thank you!!!
Translated by conyacayaka
あなたにぜひもっと多くのお人形を作ってあげたいですけど、組み立てなければならないものが多すぎて、置き場所確保のために少し売らなくてはいけないぐらいなのです。EBayで私が新しく追加した人形を見てみてください。今のところ1体だけ売りにだしていて、あなたに写真をすでに送ったと思うけど、金髪の巻き毛の小さな人形です。もっとその人形の写真を送りますね。もしその金髪の人形が気に入ったなら、ルイーザとマデラインと言う人形もそのくらいの大きさにすることもできますけど、その人形たちにはシャンテルみたいな、金髪か栗毛の人毛を使いたいと思っているのです。もしそれでいいんだったら教えてください。作ってあげますから。今すぐにルイーザとマデラインの写真も送りますね。どちらの人形ががいいか、それとももう少し後にしたいか、連絡くださいね。 よろしくお願いします!!!

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
26 minutes
conyacayaka conyacayaka
