Notice of Conyac Termination

Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] The god Kanda is enshrined behind Edo Castle to the northeast, and is the ove...

Original Texts
勝守(かちまもり)とは勝負事、商談成立、学業成就の強い見方として多くの方々に授与されています。徳川家康公が石田光成との天下分け目の関が原の戦いに臨んだ際、神田明神に戦勝祈祷をお願い致しました。神職は家康公の戦勝を毎日真心込めて祈願しました。その結果、見事に勝利しました。勝利した日が九月十五日という神田祭の日であったため、家康公は非常に喜ばれ、江戸開府以後、神田明神は江戸幕府に厚く崇敬されるようになり「江戸総鎮守」として称えられるようになりそうした御由緒にあやかったお守りです。 IT情報安全守護とは、コンピューターウィルス、フリーズ、強制終了など人の力ではもうどうしようもないパソコンの不具合に多くの悩みの方のための防護のお守りです。神田明神お近くには秋葉原の電気街やビジネス街がりパソコンに囲まれた環境でお仕事をされる方々も多く従来のお守りでは対応しきれないIT関連のお守りの必要性が生じてきたため、明神さまのご神徳をいただき、このお守りを授与するようになりました。
Translated by scintillar
The god Kanda is enshrined behind Edo Castle to the northeast, and is the overall local Edo deity.
Kanda festival is famous as one of the three big Edo festivals and the three big festivals in Japan, and the shrine came to be widely revered by the common people in the Edo shogunate.
The area in the Japanese business centres of Otemachi and Marunouchi are held by the shrine parishioners, and there are very many business visits to the shrine.
It brings about the unity of business, and is the shrine from which the city's business fortunes cannot be removed.
Katsumori is awarded to many people as a strong appreciation of competition, the conclusion of negotiations, and the completion of studies. Mitsunari Ishida, of the Tokugawa family Kanisao, looked out on the field of battle from the gate of the fateful war, and made a prayer for victory at Kanda Shrine. The Shinto priest devotedly prayed every day for the victory of the Kanisao family. The result of that was a total victory. The day of victory was September 15th, which is why it's the day of the Kanda festival, and the Kanisao family were greatly delighted, opening the borough of Edo from thereon. The Kanda shrine was deeply revered in the Edo shogunate, extolled as the overall local Edo deity, and is the symbol of such a history.
By the effort of the user in safeguarding IT information, computer viruses, freezing, or forced termination, it is a good luck charm for protecting against the great many troubles caused by a PC that cannot help having defects. The people that work in the environment near Kanda shrine, the Akihabara electric town and business district, which is surrounded by PCs, have had good luck up to now. So that the need for good luck connected to IT was generated, receiving the divine virtues of the great god, this good luck charm was conferred.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 4 hours
scintillar scintillar
I have the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2 and completed a one-yea...