However, since we have customers waiting we need to receive the shipment by 10/11.
If you think it is possible to have the goods delivered by 10/11, I would like to have you ship it from your factory in China.
I believe the shipping cost would be much lower from China.
Please advise when we can expect the goods to arrive, if dispatched from your factory in China.
If it is a speedy shipment I don't mind either options; 1 or 2.
If we will not be able to meet the deadline of 10/11 by shipping it out of the factory, then I think we will move forward by having you ship order 2 from the USA.
But, since the client is waiting, we need it to arrive to us until October 11th.
If you can ship from your factory and make it arrive here until October 11th, we would like you to do so.
We believe the shipping cost from China is lower.
If you decide to ship from the factory, please tell me when you can do it.
If you think it's quick, it can be either 1 or 2.
If you think you cannot deliver until October 11th if you ship from your factory, we would like 2 to be shipped from US.