I ordered two things from you( item number 321748110393 and item number 321748110392). You say one has not shipped yet, and the other doesn't have a valid tracking number. If you are not interested in shipping them out, please refund me
This package looks like incorrect tracking number. It shows as arrived in South Dakota. I am in Illinois and have not received the package even though the tracking says it arrived.
What is going on? Please refund me if you have not shipped.
私はあなたに2つの品物を注文しました(ナンバー 321748110393とナンバー321748110392)。あなたがおっしゃるには一方はまだ発送しておらず、もう一方は正当な追跡ナンバーを持っていないとのことです。それらを発送する気がないのであれば、料金の払い戻しをお願いします。