Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] The Japanese title of “The Notebook” is “A Story I Read for You,” which I thi...

Original Texts
"The Notebook"の邦題は"君に読む物語"です。この邦題はぴったりだと思わ。この映画はまるで伝説的な映画ね。他の映画やTVドラマで何度か"The Notebook"に関する台詞があるシーンを見た事があるわ。"The Time Traveler's Wife"の邦題は"君が僕を見つけた日"です。これは少し変だと思うわ。あなたは本当に素晴らしい女優なのにあまり賞を受賞していません。私はそれが不満です。あなたはもっと評価されるべき女優よ!あなたは得意なシーンがありますか?
Translated by transcontinents
Japanese title of "The Notebook" is "The story to read for you." I think this Japanese title fits very well. This movie is like a legend. I've seen scenes several times mentioning about "The Notebook" on other movies and TV dramas. Japanese title of "The Time Traveler's Wife" is "The day you found me." I think it's a bit odd. You are really a wonderful actress but you haven't got much award. I'm not disappointed about it. You should get higher evaluation! Is there any scenes you are good at?

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
6 minutes
transcontinents transcontinents

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